Jan 27, 2012

Second Day of school

I visited the office of the student adviser who suggested me about my class schedule in the semester. After talking, I changed my schedule a little. I postponed some classes such as International Business and Accounting, and then I chose Marketing and Finite Math, which is a sort of Mathematics and covers a fundamental calculation theories for business related numbers.

Anyway, I don't have so much class on Friday. Because I need to buy calculator for the new class, I went to STAPLE, a shop of office supplies, afternoon. By the way, there is fantastic calculator application as an extension for Google Chrome, the name of which is Calc SS3. Actually, I found this App after buying a new calculator...

I also found another nice Google extensions. TiltShiftMaker is a picture editing app, by which you can make a miniature(midget) picture. Just try it :)

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