Jan 20, 2012

Rainy Friday in Modesto

I don't have any schedule until next week. It was rain on Friday.

I went to the next city called Modesto which is a bigger city than my current town. Why I went to this city was there was that Google map showed there was an Asian market!

At first, I went to Starbucks to study and to write this blog. Then I went to "Asian Market;" however, the result is only small shop which has only Indian foods... I moved to another place named "Extra Pita" to eat late lunch.

Finally I arrived a big shopping mall after looked around the city.  Inside the shopping mall, there were many shops such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, EXPRESS, etc... and near the mall, there was BestBuy! I bought a new External HDD. From BestBuy to my home, it took 30 minutes. Hmm, it's not convenient but good enough for my life.

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