Jan 23, 2012

Korean Kitchen

I considered whether I really needed the cable TV or not. The answer was simple, "No."

Actually, last week, I forgot how to use the remote controller of my cable TV and how to switch the cable TV to the regular TV, so I decided to cancel the cable TV. In the afternoon, a technician of the cable company came to my home and fixed my TV problem, but I had not still changed my mind. I just canceled the cable TV.

Not only did I cancel it, but also I ordered upgrading the Internet connecting speed. The technician was very kind and nice guy. He said he grew up in Arizona, so we talked about Arizona for a while. Anyway, my home's Internet speed got faster!!

After that, my friend sent me a picture, in which my Arizona friends had dinner of Kalbi cooked by my Korean friend. It made me hungry! I immediately  decided to go to Korean restaurant; however, there is no Korean restaurant in my town. I drove to Modest again because there is a Korean B.B.Q restaurant named Korean Kitchen. I ate Kalbi It was very awesome!

I stopped by Starbucks along "Coffee Road" after dinner.

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