Apr 1, 2012

Sunday meeting

After a gloomy Saturday, I got up early on Sunday because I had a meeting with my group of Marketing class for preparing our presentation. The meeting was done quickly, which was sooner than expected.

I drove to Modesto through a very shinny street, and got to Starbucks to finish my homework.

In the Starbucks store, a beautiful girl suddenly talked to me and said, "Would you mind if I give you this envelop?" She showed a white envelop and put it on my table. I said, "What? What is this?," and checked inside. I saw hundreds of 20 dollar bills inside the envelop. I said, "Why do you do this? and why me?" in surprise, but she was just smiling and was about to leave. What a beautiful day!!

No, just kidding. Today is April Fool.

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