Apr 27, 2012

Weekend trip San Francisco I

The morning on Friday, I left my home for San Francisco because my classmate of my previous school visited here, and I picked up at the airport.

We went to The Walt Disney Family Museum, but it was almost closed, so we were not able to enter.

 In stead, we looked around some souvenir at the Disney shop. There was a canon at the big garden by the museum.

We headed to a park to see Golden Gate Bridge but I got a wrong way and accidentally went through Golden Gate Bridge to another side, Sausalito. It was small but beautiful town in a mountain.

We looked around and ate an ice cream at Lappert's ICE CREAM & YOGURT, which looked popular.

Because we coincidentally found a nice restaurant by the bay of the town, we went to the restaurant, the Spinnaker, for dinner. It was amazingly beautiful place.

The final destination of the day was Twin Peaks, which is famous for viewing the landscape of San Francisco. It was freezing cold, but the night view was awesomely beautiful!

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