Apr 7, 2012

Early start of Spring break

The spring break is supposed to start from Saturday, but many students have already left to somewhere for a vacation. I attended a class on Friday, but I could  see only a few students showed up in the class. I should have skipped the class and left earlier.

Anyway, I left my home at 2:00 pm on Saturday then headed to the local airport. In the airport, there was no customer except for me. I confirmed that my car can was in the long term lot in free. But the employee who I asked about the parking asked my flight schedule. I found out my flight was delayed. So I had to change the following flights. The first flight eventually arrived at the local airport at 5:00 pm. I got into the plane and found out that I was a only customer.

I had a different seat which I was supposed to sit because the airplane need to balance with the pilot and me. So I sit on the seat beside the emergency exit, which was very comfortable for me. Just a 20-30 minutes flight brought me to San Francisco.

I ate clam chowder soup in the San Francisco International Airport, and the transferred to the next flight headed to Los Angeles.

Another transfer at LAX, I finally arrived at Tucson. It was almost 11:00 pm. In short, it took nine hours from my home to Tucson. I used a whole valuable Saturday as just transportation...

My Tucson friend picked me up and went his home. I'm supposed to "be home stay" for a couple of days.

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