Apr 11, 2012

Donation again

The same month of the last year, I participated in a donation event, the purpose of which is supporting the tsunami victims in Japan. I was take part in the same event this year as well. It was fine day that the sunshine is too strong.

This day is the starting event day of the Spring Fling, so there was a big slide, a basketball ring, and so many booth related to the event on campus.

I was standing 9:30 to 2:00 except for lunch. My friend and I went to How Do You Roll, the Japanese sushi roll fast food restaurant, and ate rolls.

I said good-bye my UA friends and left Tucson at the evening.

I arrived at Phoenix after two hours ride of the Arizona shuttle bus. My old friends picked me up for the place which other friends had waited for.

We drank a couple of beer and the smirnoff. Everyone pointed me and said I got a tan.

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