Apr 21, 2012

Personal selling

Personal Selling is a term of marketing. It means that a sales person sell their products or service to their customers in person. Personal Selling takes more time, cost, and effort than only an advertisement or selling at a store, so a sales person who in charge of the personal selling is required to be skilled as sales representative of their company.

I have a presentation next week about personal selling in marketing class. Three of my group had a meeting about it, and we found a company related to this topic. Mary Kay, a cosmetic company, doesn't have a their own store, but they sell their product in parties held by customers's house. A professional-skilled sales representative, who has also a skill of making up, visit customer's party and explain their products. The company is very successful so far. Their are even expanding in the global market.

 I need to make a power point by Monday because I'm only a person who is good at making slides in my group... I'm a bit busy in this April.

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