Mar 7, 2012

A Way of Argument

I have learned somewhat how to write an argumentative essay so far. When I was writing an essay as a class assignment, that reminded me a way of argument.

People basically agree or disagree with a controversial idea. If you are against your opponents and want to convince them, you could show some proof or evidence supporting your idea, or show good reasons why you agree with your idea. Also, you would explain how it is logical and might demonstrate how it is rational. Otherwise, you could never change your opponents' idea.

Yet sometimes people use another way to let their argument done. Its word is "It depends on a person." This word does not mean that you accept your opponents' idea. Rather, it even shows you even the idea that you don't agree.

I had an experience that I felt such a non-good argument with my friend.

Let's say the friend is X for this example. X had a habit to start saying "No" or "But" when starting a conversation.

Negative words such as "No " or "But" means a complete denial. However, if those words are used with good explanation, the whole argument would be a strong affirmation.

In X's case, when X could not explain enough to convince me and still I against X's idea, X just said "It's OK. I understand you because people grew up in different environments and in different societies or cultures. So the way of thinking is different. It depends on a person." Actually, not only like a agree-disagree arguments but also when she excuse her fault, she said "People have different value of thinking. You can understand me because you're just different from me." What a hell ruining word!!

When I first heard this word, I felt very awkward because it looked like X tried to avoid our argument or shift the issue to another point. If X avoided from my counterargument, it meant X gave up to convince me and just tried to mention only what X wanted to say or X's idea with ignoring my idea.

Of course, people have different idea, and each person grows up in a different situation. Suppose you are said from your opponent, "I don't care your idea because  you are different form me."  Maybe you might be depressed even you prepared well about argument.

Admitting difference too much sometimes undermine a basic argument. Also, it is like a little disrespect for others.

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