Mar 25, 2012

John's Incredible Pizza

I have an assignment that I need to go anywhere local business place such as a tourist spot, a restaurant, a theme park, or something unique place, and then I have to research about the business style in terms of the marketing.

My group of class decided to go a buffet-attraction place named John's Incredible Pizza where there is the pizza buffet and the arcade games and rides in one building.

 In the buffet area, there were 20 types of pizza, and those taste good. Of course, there are the salad bar, the dessert counter, and the ice cream server. An interest thing was that there were several types of themed rooms such as Hawaiian, Canadian, Cartoon's, and Sport.

In the arcade games and rides area, there were so many game machines and some compact rides, mostly for kids. I did a dance step game the Dance Dance Revolution, which I have not done since I was in middle school. It was so hard! I was sweating. 

Main target would be kids, so there were so many kids and their family. Because it was Sunday, people were in line at the entrance counter.
Anyway, it was nice experience!

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