Mar 18, 2012

visiting LA

To meet my friends, I headed to LA. I first went to Sacrament International Airport right after a midterm exam. It was a foggy day, and there was a long traffic jam on the free way. I parked my car at the economic parking area of the airport. My flight was about one and half a hour. When I arrived at LAX, so many people were waiting for picking up in front of the airport gate.

My friend picked me up, and we went to a Ramen restaurant as dinner. The Ramen restaurant is Jinya. There were Yokohama Shoyu, Hakata, and Kyoto Tonkotsu as main three flavors. I choose Kyoto while my friend Yokohama Shoyu.  It was really good!! It was like a authentic Japanese food! I was really impressed and happy!  :D

We stayed a house of my friends' aunt. It was big enough. A dog barked to me because I'm a stranger from his eye.

Next day was totally rain. We had planed to go to Six Flag but we couldn't because of the weather. Instead, we went to Yoshinoya, which is a famous Japanese beef bowl restaurant. I have not eaten the beef bowl since I was in Japan. Because there is no Yoshinoya in Arizona, I could't taste it when I was there. The taste of beef on the beef bowl was almost same as Japanese one. It was good.

After brunch, we went to an outlet mall. We spent about four hours for shopping. Only stuff I bought was a shoes of Merrell.

We went to Thai restaurant as well. I did not know almost all meals which my friends choose. Those were really nice even though those foods were a little bit spicy. Anyway, I was happy because I could try new foods and those were so delicious :P

When we went back home, a dog, which barked last night, came to me and licked a lot.

The last day, Sunday, we went to a house of my friend's aunt. We talked for a while, and then stopped by a cake shop that the friend's aunt recommended.

The cakes were beautiful and tasted very good :P

My friend dropped me off at LAX and went back home respectively.

Even though we were not able to go any fancy places, I felt it was good time for us.

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