Mar 5, 2012

Replying way to messages

Suppose you have over 200 friends on Facebook and receive "Happy birthday" messages from the 200 friends on your birthday.

Some people would reply "Thank you" comment to each celebratory message. This replying work means that the person who got the celebratory message replies comments at least 200 times even though each comment is short. It must take long time. This way would make a positive impression on friends and would make friends think that the person who replies treat every his or her friends highly equally. So most of the friends would feel good.

On the other hand, other people just write "Thank you all" as a replying comment to every friends who send a message at a time, which means he or she saves his or her time and energy even if the length of the replying comment is a little bit longer than the former. Friends who see the "Thank you all" comment would think "Oh, I'm just one of his (or her) 200 friends. He (or She) thinks me as not a special friend." They might feel not good(I dare to avoid using "feel bad").

This idea might not fit everyone. However, at least I feel so. That's why I reply to every single message when I receive messages on my birthday unless I'm a extremely busy (I have never been such extremely busy as slighting my friends).

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