Feb 8, 2012


There was an international club's event called "Local Night," which is to go restaurant located in our city. This time we went to a Chinese restaurant. The name of the restaurant was Golden China, but I went to Golden Dragon first by mistake. Anyway, the foods was pretty good! I got full enough.

After dinner, we chatted in front of the restaurant for a while. In the conversation, an American guy whose major was History talked about "Zaibatsu(財閥)." I was surprised because it was a Japanese word and a kind of business term so only people who study business are supposed to know this term. Although I know that the word of "Zaibatsu" became an international business word because my major when I was in university was Business Administration and learned it at a class, I thought it is not so common word, especially for general American people.

Again, I thought that many international students know Japanese culture but I do not know other country culture so much... On the other hand, another American person, who teaches English for young international students, said that most of international students are more familiar with English grammar than some native speakers because native speakers has not studied own language so long time even though they speak without problem.

I thought those points above are one of culture exchange.

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