Feb 5, 2012

Cactus meal

I found a piece of cactus at a grocery store. Because I'm kinda person who challenge anything new whenever it's found, I bought it.

But I had no idea about how to cook it. When I asked a way to cook to my friends on Facebook, a Mexican friend told me Nopales that is a Mexican home-style dishe. But I searched another way on Google, I though I just stired fry.

This is the cactus and my work :p

Also, today is the day of the super bowl, one of the biggest sports event in the U.S., so most American people watch TV in the evening. Why the super bowl is so popular is not only the exciting game but also there are many interesting TV commercials during the game. I heard that the budget of its TV commercials are highest in a year. Yes, that's why there is a huge event in the half time of the game, which must be spent a huge amount of money. It was Madonna's live show this year and was very good!!

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