Feb 3, 2012

Event of Business Forecast Report ~ Hookah

I attended an event held by MBA department, the title of which was the special Business Forecast Report for the San Joaquin Valley. It was a event spoken by a  Business Economics professor of our university. However, I was not able to even understand of the contents because this event provided lunch for audience and I ate a pizza during lecture. I was so sleepy... 

After the event, I attended a class, and then I joined another event held by international club. It was called "international coffee social hour," which is conversation time among international students with coffee and cookies. I expected it would be just one hour but it was eventually two hours.

We got together at a hookah bar named Fire Temple again after dinner. This was the first time for me to try a hookah because I hadn't known how to do it even though I had seen it several times. We choose some flavors of hookahs such as Double Apple, Watermelon, and Strong Peach. Anyway, I didn't feel anything so much, but it was an interesting experience.

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