Feb 8, 2012

Changing Tires

My car drove over 67,000 miles. General tire's endurance is 65,000 miles ( I think). I changed two back tires last month before leaving Arizona. I finally decided to change two front tires, too. The tire shop that I used was Discount Tire which my friend used before in Arizona. I found America's Tire which is in the same group company of Discount Tire, so I went to there. Also, I changed the wheel cover because two of four wheel cover were missing (I don't know why and where though...). Because I cleaned my car up by myself when I filled the gas (there is quick cleaning tools at a gas station in the U.S.) after changing the tires, my car became pretty nice as if it was new! I'm ready to go to Chinese New Year's event in San Francisco on this weekend.

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