Dec 24, 2012

Osaka trip

I did head to Osaka to meet my friends. I used Nozomi, the fastest shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka.

By the ways, because I have niether a smart-phone nor a mobile wifi router during this trip, I could’t connect the Internet. It was quite inconvenient. Only way of communication was on a pre-paid phone. I met my friend who is from Kyoto and ate lunch together. Where we went was an okonomiyaki restaurant. I ate Negi-yaki, which is a kind of Okonomiyaki but most of ingredient is green onion. 

After Okonomiyaki, we went to a small “takoyaki” shop. Takoyaki is basically made of flour and octopus.

Osaka is the famous city for Takoyaki as well.
We ate too much, I though, so we walked to Umeda Skybuilding by food in order to exercise. There are a Christmas event in which I wrote a message on a star-shaped card. The view of sunset from top of the building was fantastic.

We took a rest at the Osaka station with a cup of cappuccino.

I met an old friend who I met at Arizona. He works in Osaka as the CEO of his company. We talked about his business and future plan. His mind made me motivated my future plan as well. 
I played at Minami district for a while.

For night food, I ate ramen at Ramen Kiou (亀王). It was amazing!! I felt like it was the best ramen restaurant in Osaka. 

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