Dec 26, 2012

Kyoto visiting

I move to Kyoto in the early morning and met another frined who lives in Kyoto. We went to Kiyomizu temple. It was one of my dream place, so my dream came true!! 

The street of the way back from Kiyomizu temple was beautiful.

We went to Ouchi-gohan, which means home-made meals, and ate traditional Kyoto lunch. It was great!

We went to Arashiyama in the afternoon. It was very cold, but view was quite beautiful.

We move back to Kyoto station where there is a famous green tea café, Tsujiri, and ate macha food.

At night, I move to Shiga where a friend of my previous company lives. He actually has two babies. He and his wife served home-made dinner for me. It was seriously good! I stayed one night at there.

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