May 11, 2012

BD Party for Norwegian friend

On Friday night, I joined a birthday party for Norwegian friend. It was BBQ style party at my friend's home garden. I arrived there on time as usual while only a few friends showed up.

We played the "Beer-pon" as general American party. One of my American friend told me that the beer-pon is relatively new game in the U.S., the history of the game is just about 15 years. I thought it was much older game, but the fact is not. While some were playing the beer-pon, others were playing a Norwegian wood throwing game. I tried the Norwegian game. It was first time but the game is not so difficult and is quite interesting.

We also played the cup turn game. I remember we played at least 10 games, so a player was really drunk. We stayed there until late at night. Even though I left late night with my friends, I have no idea when the party finally ended. Anyway, it was a great party. The point I think that American parties are better than my country's is that there are so many opportunities to meet new friends.

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