Dec 20, 2013

Table moving, Umi Sushi, and party

I helped to move a group table of our international club from my friend's home to his mother's home. After that, we went to Umi Sushi, a Japanese restaurant, with his brother.
His brother had an exchange student program to go to Japan, so he was somewhat familiar with Japanese culture.

I joined dinner of the English department at a pizza restaurant. I met another guy who had come back from Japan. He was a teacher in a high school in Kyoto, so he also had many knowledge of Japan including how to survive as a foreigner.

Later on, we had a small drinking party at my Iranian friend's home. The guy who was a teacher in Kyoto also joined.

I drank a cocktail mixed with a plum wine (ume-shu) and an organic vodka made in Germany. I was a bit drunk. It was so fun Lol

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