Nov 13, 2013

Issue of a group project

A member of my team has not prepare for the power point at all. Her excuse was her cough and cold, but it has last for long time and she was absent on many classes last couple of weeks.

First, the other member and me discussed and consulted to our professor. However, his answer was that, no matter who is missing, the grade of this project depends on the performance of the group. If someone is missing, others have to make up for it. Then, the other member and I decided that we give her an option, which is that, if she cannot prepare her part by Sunday, we will kick her out from our team and do everything by ourselves instead of her.

I have never been in such a situation when I was in my university in Japan. I also feel that this is a kind of American style.

My school days is only a month left. I will be so busy...

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