Nov 28, 2013

Chicago 1st Day

In the very early morning, I left home for the airport. It was about 2:30 am. The flight I took was Southwest as usual. The flight time was about 6 am, and it took about four hours from San Francisco to Chicago. The time lag is about two hours, so when I arrived at the Midway airport, it was already noon in Chicago.

The first thing I did was to buy a 1-day pass of the city train called Ventra, and I headed to the downtown of Chicago. It was cold and dry. Buckingham Fountain, a fountain I stopped by, was completely dried up (maybe water was just stopped). I walked, walked, and walked for a long time. I saw The Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium but didn't get in because there was a very long line. Yet, the view form those area was beautiful.

Since "Thanksgiving" is the national holiday, it was so hard to find shops and restaurant open. I had lunch at Mei's Kietchen, a Chinese (?) restaurant. This was the only big restaurant open this time. Because this was the Thanksgiving day, I ate a big turkey.

I used the city train and walked a lot again. I visited Millennium Park to see the cloud gate, and then walked through Lake Shore East Park. The buildings were awesome!! Those buildings were so modern and artistic design. Snow remained still in that area.

I walked through a shopping street. It was beautiful because lots of lights were decorated on trees and skyscrapers.

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