Nov 29, 2013

Chicago 2nd Day

I went to the University of Chicago in the morning to see Booth business school. The campus was huge!! The buildings are very European style like churches. I walked to the station from the campus and headed to downtown.

Finally, I met my friends who were my classmates when we were in the university in Japan. They are also a couple who married about five years ago. I was so excited because not only is it a reunion but also a meeting oversea. We went to Cloud Gate to see the metal bean and take a picture together. After that, we visited the Northwestern University to see the Kellogg School of Management.

We also went to Navy Pier, in which there is the Ferris Wheel. Since it was cold. The air was, I felt, clean. We could see a nice view from the top of the Ferris Wheel.

For lunch, we tried to go to Gino's East, a famous pizza restaurant, but it was too busy to get in, so we gave up and move to find another restaurant. Where we ended up entering was Rosebud on Rushan, an Italian restaurant.

After long walking and taking a rest at a cafe, we went to Sky Deck to see the night view from the observatory. Yes, it was really awesome.

For dinner, we went to eat a typical Chicago pizza. It looked quite high calories...

Anyway, it was a nice trip. I like Chicago. It's one of the best cities among cities I've visited in the U.S.

Nov 28, 2013

Chicago 1st Day

In the very early morning, I left home for the airport. It was about 2:30 am. The flight I took was Southwest as usual. The flight time was about 6 am, and it took about four hours from San Francisco to Chicago. The time lag is about two hours, so when I arrived at the Midway airport, it was already noon in Chicago.

The first thing I did was to buy a 1-day pass of the city train called Ventra, and I headed to the downtown of Chicago. It was cold and dry. Buckingham Fountain, a fountain I stopped by, was completely dried up (maybe water was just stopped). I walked, walked, and walked for a long time. I saw The Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium but didn't get in because there was a very long line. Yet, the view form those area was beautiful.

Since "Thanksgiving" is the national holiday, it was so hard to find shops and restaurant open. I had lunch at Mei's Kietchen, a Chinese (?) restaurant. This was the only big restaurant open this time. Because this was the Thanksgiving day, I ate a big turkey.

I used the city train and walked a lot again. I visited Millennium Park to see the cloud gate, and then walked through Lake Shore East Park. The buildings were awesome!! Those buildings were so modern and artistic design. Snow remained still in that area.

I walked through a shopping street. It was beautiful because lots of lights were decorated on trees and skyscrapers.

Nov 24, 2013

Thor 2

I went to watch Thor: The Dark World. There were so many joke scenes, so it was very fun!! Natalie Portman is still beautiful.

Nov 23, 2013


I visited a small city that I've never visited before. The first purpose was to go to Espresso Gone Wild but it looked closed... so I just went to Starbucks. It was actually better atmosphere than I thought. I studied until sunset.

Nov 17, 2013

Starbucks and library

Finally, I finished making my paper and power point for the business strategy class. Even though I need to add or edit a little bit more, I'm so relieved.

Nov 16, 2013

New word leaned


Trophy wife


These words are for women who are thought as bitchy for husband. Unfortunately, those women are everywhere in the world.

Nov 13, 2013

Happy life

On the radio, I heard a commercial. A boy and a girl are talking with their dad. The dad gives gifts for each and says, "Open the gift box!" "Thank you daddy!" say Children. The boy says "Hey, this is my phone." The girl says, "What? This is my laptop." They ask their dad why these are the gift. The dad answered. "Because our Internet changed to Xfinity, your smartphone and laptop are faster to connect the Internet. This is the my gift to you guys." and then the girl asks, "What about mom?" The dad answered, "She got a new tablet. Happy wife, happy life." Xfinity is such a witted.

Issue of a group project

A member of my team has not prepare for the power point at all. Her excuse was her cough and cold, but it has last for long time and she was absent on many classes last couple of weeks.

First, the other member and me discussed and consulted to our professor. However, his answer was that, no matter who is missing, the grade of this project depends on the performance of the group. If someone is missing, others have to make up for it. Then, the other member and I decided that we give her an option, which is that, if she cannot prepare her part by Sunday, we will kick her out from our team and do everything by ourselves instead of her.

I have never been in such a situation when I was in my university in Japan. I also feel that this is a kind of American style.

My school days is only a month left. I will be so busy...

Nov 6, 2013

Longest mit-term

It took 4.5 hours. This mid-term exam is longer than the GMAT Lol Moreover, I didn't have chance to take a break. I'm freaking exhausted. How was it? It was seriously challenging. Of course, if it's take home, it would be easy. But it is timed... I think this is the hardest and longest exam I've ever taken.

Nov 5, 2013


What if programs of cars were wirelessly hacked and were changed? It would be the future social issue.