Aug 17, 2013

BBQ and business talk

I went to Siam Thai for lunch. This is my favorite Thai restaurant. I ordered mix fried rice which is supposed to include chicken, beef, and pork, but it was just a chicken fried rice... Anyway, other food were very good.

My old friend who I met in Tucson invited me a BBQ party that was be at his uncles's home in Good Year. I drove to there for an hour. There is a big pool in the back yard in the house. Many kids who are my friend's cousins were playing there. Also, there was a birthday cake for one-year kid. Last time I came here, she was supposed to be not even born.

I talked with one of my friend's uncle, who I met before. We talked about economy and electronics industry, especially Japan. He thinks Sony is dying. I agree with his idea. However, because I saw an article about "lens camera" -even though it's still rumor-, I guess Sony will be back soon. I believe that creativity is the power of innovation. We discussed a lot of topics including thy system of Japan's work place, my future plan, and differences of business among many countries. It was a very nice and exciting time. I wish I could have more opportunity to talk with American people about business and economy of the world.

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