Sep 21, 2013

The definition of MBA

I have been reading a Japanese book via Kindle lately.
*If you read Japanese this is PDF, I think the same. 
It is about the Japanese MBA educations. The author, of course, graduated from a business school, in France, and conducted a MBA program to introduce in Japan. I realized a lot of viewpoints that most of Japanese MBAs are totally different from other typical western style MBAs, which are accredited by certain organizations. Even though name of the degree can be translated into Japanese, the actual contents are not sufficient. Only two schools in Japan are accredited by AACBS. There is another organization called QAA that accredits business schools mainly in England and Europe. According to QAA, MBA is defined as "career development generalist programme," and which is way different from the idea of most of Japanese MBAs because those schools provide just Master degree of Business or just Master of Science in Business. I strongly agree with how different it is because when I majored in Business Administration when I was an undergrad, the courses I took were very academic, not practical at all. It could be said that I didn't force on classes during college days. However, I can now really feel American style of education is very practical. This is one of things that I noticed by staying here in the U.S.

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