Jan 25, 2013

The last day of Boston

I went to China Town for breakfast in the morning. I ate "Bun" s a Vietnamese restaurant.

After late breakfast, I went to Boston University. I took the Green Line of subway but it was a little complicated. Each station of Green Line was really close, so I could walk between each station.

The campus of Boston University was big but buildings are spread. I stopped by the school of management. There were many good classrooms.

Barnes & Noble was located the management building. In the Barns & Noble building, there was a BU item store. I bought some souvenirs as usual.

I went to a Japanese cafe after that, and then went back to the State station to walk through another famous street "Freedom Trail."

I went to the airport and checked in jetBlue. This was the first time I used this airline company, but it was quite nice.

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