Apr 27, 2014

Sequoia National Park

All of sudden, I noticed that my friend visit to California. I met him in Arizona and used to hang out. His plan was a road trip visiting several national parks such as Sequoia, Death Valley, and Grand Canyon. Because Sequoia National Park was reachable distance from my home, I decided to join his trip.

The lower level of the mountain was fine. The sun shine was bright.

I met him at the visitor center in the entrance of the mountain at noon, and then headed to a famous tree called The General Sherman Tree. We hiked in snowy roads. The higher level of the mountain was covered by snow.

We were almost losing our way, but finally got to the world largest tree. It was impressive.

After going down from the mountain, we stopped by a typical American restaurant and share a whole pizza. And then, we went to Lake Kaweah, near the Sequoia National Park. It was also great. 

Again, one of the attractive things in the U.S. is tons of great natures.

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