Mar 19, 2014

Super busy day

I got to San Francisco at 8:16 am. The world biggest game developer's conference has begun. I went to a booth to prepare for our exhibition in the morning.

During the conference, I met a lot of people who work in this industry. It w as so exciting for me because I could see a lot of new companies and their services. In addition, I needed to talk those who stopped by our booth in English even though I don't think my English is at the business level, I communicated with them. I noticed that so many Asian developers and publishers came to this conference from all over the world.

After that in the night, there was a party organized by a company of this industry. It was located very near my office. There were huge sofas in the bar, so people could relax there.

The next networking-event place was at the AT&T park. It was so crowded with thousands people. It was the first time I entered this stadium. I wish I could see an actual baseball game.

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