Mar 21, 2014

The last day of exhibition

The last day was not so busy compared to two days before. Because I could get used to talk to new people, I could catch some "leads" (potential clients or partners).

After finishing the conference, we cleaned up our booth. It was pain in the ass.

At night, we had dinner with co-workers at Scala's Bistro, a gorgeous Italian restaurant. In the conversation at dinner, I heard that a co-woker was on a famous and popular TV show long time ago.

After dinner, we went to a bar Cantina. It was pretty nice night in this month.

Mar 20, 2014

2nd day of Exhibition

Even though visitors were less than Wednesday, it was still busy. A good thing was that I got used to do sales pitch to new people. Well, maybe it was not even sales pitch, but just explaining about the service and products. Anyway, it was still a good experience.

For dinner, I went to a Chinese restaurant with my co-wokers. The Chinese restaurant was SO. It was the best Chinese restaurant in San Francisco that I have ever been.

Mar 19, 2014

Super busy day

I got to San Francisco at 8:16 am. The world biggest game developer's conference has begun. I went to a booth to prepare for our exhibition in the morning.

During the conference, I met a lot of people who work in this industry. It w as so exciting for me because I could see a lot of new companies and their services. In addition, I needed to talk those who stopped by our booth in English even though I don't think my English is at the business level, I communicated with them. I noticed that so many Asian developers and publishers came to this conference from all over the world.

After that in the night, there was a party organized by a company of this industry. It was located very near my office. There were huge sofas in the bar, so people could relax there.

The next networking-event place was at the AT&T park. It was so crowded with thousands people. It was the first time I entered this stadium. I wish I could see an actual baseball game.

Mar 18, 2014

Business networking party

I left my office at 5:40 pm. In the evening, I met my Taiwanese friend. He just visited to San Francisco with his friends. We had dinner at Cafe Mason. Pasta here was pretty good.

After that, I went to a business networking event held by a company in this industry. The location was Jones. I guess it was so expensive to rent this restaurant even for a profitable company. It was a good opportunity to attend this kind of events.

Mar 11, 2014

Fire in SF

There was a big fire in San Francisco. When I left the office, I saw a huge smoke covering the sky of the city. I approached the place the smoke was coming from. It was actually a building under construction. Because the building has not equipped any fire prevention system, the fire damaged a big part of the building.

Mar 8, 2014

farewell garden party

I was officially invited to the farewell party of my American friend who is going to be an English teacher in Japan soon. Many people came there. Most of them looked old. I met a couple of Japanese who have lived here in the U.S. almost half a century. Even though their English speaking sounded not better than mine,they said they have brought their children up well. It was an interesting meeting.

Mar 3, 2014

Learning Mandarin

Because I have to drive an hour to commute, I listen to a Chinese lessen downloaded into my Walkman while driving. I've figured out Chinese tones and vowels, those of which were a little different from what I thought though. Yet, because some grammar is similar to English and some word order is similar to Japanese, I'm getting understand how to speak even though I have no idea how to write and read without Pinyin. Once understand the system of a language, it's gonna be more fun for sure.